… half glass full …

its been;

6 months

3 countries

2 continents 

The last few months have passed faster than I ever could have expected. I am blown away that it's already been 6 months. It has been thrilling, nerve-wracking, and eye-opening to my personal growth, who I was before I left, and who I want to be coming home. This year has shown me the importance of putting my creativity and passions first, and focusing on my interests and intellectual drives. To not be afraid to dream big and get outside of my comfort zone (I know thats a crazy concept to my friends back home that I would even have one of those) 

Starting in Canada, to the Azores then the mainland of Portugal, and my current location, Cape Town, South Africa has been a whirlwind of a journey. It weirdly makes me proud that I have come this far already but also a little teary because so much has happened and it's the halfway point. 

At first, it was difficult adjusting to a different state of mind and structure my days. Being completely detached from working and previous responsibilities. It's given me time to think and make space for parts of myself I don’t think I have ever really taken the time to explore. Some days are harder than others and it changes from place to place. It’s also given me time to dream big. I am incredibly inspired by the people and creatives I have met over the past 6 months. With what I have learned and will continue to explore I know I'll keep adding to my toolbox and be able to achieve those dreams eventually. 

Since leaving the United States, I have spent time focusing on my personal experiences and feelings on communication. It has put a lot into perspective. I should also preface that communication and how I handle it is something I had been thinking about before leaving on my Watson. Often distance puts things into perspective. 

Time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters.”
— Margaret Peters

One of my biggest concerns when leaving on my Watson, was that people would assume, (even though they don’t mean it this way), in their eyes, I am just traveling the world leisurely all day while “some of us have jobs" and “are working full time”. Thankfully I surround myself with incredibly supportive people and anyone who knows me understands I have to stay busy and am constantly doing something otherwise I would go stir crazy. But as someone who identifies as an extrovert, I realized the taxation that it can put on someone. Don’t get me wrong I can’t change being an extrovert (I would never want to) but I can redefine my boundaries on how I communicate and use that energy.

Here in Cape Town I immediately jumped right into the BAZ-ART team and the International Public Art Festival (IPAF). I am getting to learn every facet of the festival and conference and how it all comes together. Understanding the ins and outs that go into it. It's a completely different feel than Canada and the festival in the Azores but just as important. I am excited as I learn more to be able to compare, see the differences, and challenges that arise. I am getting to be on both the production and research side. They just received a grant to do research collaboration with a public art festival in Brussels and I am a part of the conversation on how to formulate that plan. I couldn’t be more excited about what is in store!! I will say I'm not used to the sun AT ALL but have 4 different kinds of sunscreen already. My Grammy June would be very proud! Although nothing compares to the sunscreen and aloe she brings back from Aruba every year it gets the job done.

Unfortunately, two weeks into the middle of my time in Portugal I got really sick and the last month has been also figuring out what that has been about. Thankfully I am doing better and the doctors in Cape Town have been very helpful but it was a curveball trying to continue what I was doing when also knowing that I was not at my best. Thankfully I am on antibiotics and we are figuring it out.!

Having talked with the artistic directors at the Walk and Talk Festival, in the Azores I am interested in the differences and comparisons with IPAF from being exposed to both. I am getting the chance to see it in person and gain hands-on experience. I am also looking forward to the opportunity to talk with artists in countries that I will not have the chance to go to this year at IPAF. It is being held in the Company Gardens as well and the integration of the sculptural installations into the natural vegetation with Lion's Head and Table Mountain in the backdrop is stunning. (I can’t wait to share photos once it happens!)

Recently I had someone ask me if have I always been like this, able to easily converse with people and just start up a conversation with anyone. People have also asked did it get easier from this year I have been on. It's happened multiple times where people have told me this. I think honestlyI have always been this way but I have gained a larger perspective and learned so much more about how important those conversations are and making someone feel welcomed in a space. I legit have had people and my coworkers say we are not worried about you because we know when you go into a space or a group you can converse with anyone. The artistic directors when we connected and they saw my email about coming they immediately saw the connection between what I am looking into/exploring and what they have here!

As I finish writing this recently I would have to say something weighing on my mind is a sense of permanency and that I have been lacking it. Creating all these lasting connections, I know that I will continue to have these people in my life but inevitably there is an expiration date always lurking in the relationship. As I navigate this feeling I am curious how it will develop as I continue to move. 

Thank you for reading a reflection on the feelings I have had most recently. I just submitted my second quarterly report this morning and am excited about what is ahead! 

Here is a mixed collage of a bunch of random photos from the past 6 months with no explanation. I have a bunch of blog posts coming soon so be on the lookout!

All the Best and Lots of Love - Maia 


A Moment of Reflection


Walk and Talk Interview with Jesse James